021 543 334

Massage Therapy

When using Healthy Ventures, you can be assured of receiving professional advice, treatment and support from experienced professionals.

Clinical Massage Therapy

Clinical Massage Therapy consists of a variety of modalities applied to the soft tissues of the body. It involves the use of specific focussed techniques that reduce reported signs and symptoms, allow tissue repair and recovery as well as improve function.

How is this achieved? For clinical massage therapy to be effective and beneficial, a therapeutic relationship needs to be developed between the therapist and you (the client). We aim to support your therapeutic goals and specific aims of each session. Firstly, a detailed history is taken, followed by an assessment. Based on the results derived, a client-centred session will be applied.

For optimal results, additional exercises or a programme of “homework” activities may be given to assist with the restoration of function.

Massage Pricing

$150.00 (incl GST) - 90min

$110.00 (incl GST) – 60min

$85.00 (incl GST – 45min

$60.00 (incl GST) – 30min

ESWT (shockwave therapy):

$60.00 (incl GST) - 20-30min

Workshops - Price on Enquiry

Fill in the form or Call/Text to make a booking

P: 021 543 334

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Thanks for sending a message. A Therapist will be in contact with you shortly

Have Health Insurance?

You may be able to claim some of your consultation or treatment cost back if you are covered to see a Clinical Exercise Physiologist or Registered Massage Therapist (Level 6). Check your Insurance policy or with your Insurance Provider to see if this applies to you.


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